miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

Miércoles Musicales (01) I'll do anything

Siento no haber actualizado antes con mi primer miércoles musical, pero es que he estado toda la tarde examen y hace 5 minutos que volví de kárate, pero todavía ¡es miércoles! xD (Que observadora soy) ASí que allá voy *-*

Este meme surge del blog Libroholic@s, que tomó prestada la idea de Crazy Book Slut, y la "españolizó".
Al ser este mi primer MM tengo que inaugurarlo con mi cantante favorito....¡sí! ¡Jason Mraz! xD
Archiconocido por su tema I'm yours. Pero puesto que esa canción como ya he dicho está muy conocida, voy a deleitaros con otra de su maravilloso repertorio *.*

Es la versión Live que es la que más me gusta ^^

Letra I'll do anything:

Go make your next choice be your best choice
And if you're looking for a boy with a voice, well baby I'm single
Are you in the mood for some dude, are you in the mood to be subdued
Or would you rather just mingle?

Let's get set then to go then and let us jet set we'll be like the Jetsons
You can be Jane my wife. Should I marry Jane tonight?

I would if I could. I'd do most anything spontaneously.

Or we can keep chilling like ice cream filling
We can cool in the gang if you'd rather hang
Ain't no thing. I can be lugubrious with you.
I got no ifs ands ors no wits or whats about it
But this place is getting crowded and my house is two blocks away
Or maybe closer

I would if I could. I'd do most anything spontaneously.
You know I would, if I could. I'll do anything spontaneously.

If you could be nimble, you'd have it simple just like me.
So go on and try it, do not deny yourself your freedom.

So step on up to the plate get a date with mraz
See you better act fast because supplies they never last
Now did you know this is limited time offer
So go make your mind up before our times up
You better start winding it up because the party's almost over
(and if you should know girl, its gonna be lower now)

See I would do, oh if I could do. I'd would do oh anything spontaneously
You know I would, and I can prove it. I'll do anything spontaneously.

(si encuentro la traducción edito y lo pongo, es que a este paso se me va a pasar el miércoles de verdad xDDD)

ea, espero que os guste ^^


3 comentarios:

  1. Bienvenida a tu primer MM xDD espero que te haya ido bien el examen :D y apúntate al Mr. Linky ^^

  2. no conocia la cancion!! ta genial ^^ q bien q se valla uniendo mas gente a esto de los MM jeje cuantas mas mejor ^^


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